A new way to foster sustainability of Queensland’s arts and culture sector, post COVID-19

For the first time in Australia, researchers are evaluating peer-coaching as a way to foster the sustainability of our arts and culture sector.
Researchers from The University of Queensland are collaborating with artists and arts enablers across the state to co-design and validate a “Creating Out Loud” Peer-Coaching Guide, bringing arts workers together for greater knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and mutual support.
Dr Kate Power, Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow (AQIRF) with the UQ Business School, said traditional one-on-one mentoring is often used in the arts and culture sector, but these programs can be expensive and difficult to access.
“We have good evidence that peer coaching increases knowledge, connectivity, confidence and commitment in diverse settings, including business and higher education,” Dr Power said.
“But the benefits of peer-coaching to the arts and culture sector have yet to be tested. Nor have specific peer-coaching models been evaluated for their fit with artists and arts enablers.”
Dr Power said her “Creating Out Loud” study involves participatory action research with Queensland-based arts organizations – both large and small, urban and regional. Guided by collaborative relationships with leading arts professionals, Dr Power is delighted to share co-ownership of this project with her industry partners.
“Queensland has a unique and highly innovative arts and culture sector,” she said.
“I am learning a lot from co-locating with my industry partners, who are generously seeking to share their own learning and experience with colleagues across the sector.”
Dr Power’s lead industry partners are Queensland Ballet, La Boite Theatre, and ArtsNexus. Creating Out Loud is also supported by and accountable to an Industry Reference Group comprising The National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), Theatre Network Australia (TNA), and Blakdance.